Good to see our friends being successful.

A current member of Team Surface, Mr. Brent Amiri, just started dental school at UCLA. Team Surface is pleased to keep having such a bright researcher in our team. We wish you good learning opportunities, good friends, and lots of success at school and research. Congratulations on your enrollment! Helping people. That is the one Team Surface is interested in, not just in getting our own gain. Team Surface website has been updated. Look at the News page

UV-photo-activation reduces implant failure

Worth spreading? We updated the publication page on Team Surface website. What you see on the top is the paper I think is a milestone work demonstrating that UV-photo-activation significantly reduces the risk of implant failure. The authors compared implant factors and surgical protocols to see how they influenced the rate of early implant failure and found that whether the implant was photo-activated or not influenced the most!