To make people smile and be the best version of themselves
When we make a decision which direction of research we should take, we choose the impossible. We believe everything we do can challenge the status quo. My job is to cultivate habits of originals and innovation among us and to make sure every single member in our team will participate in writing a new chapter of the history of dentistry and biomaterials.... We want the world to look different depending on whether Team Surface was here or not. Team Surface is not interested in small changes or short-term solutions. We will do whatever it takes to surface the impossible because we want people to enjoy their meals, smile big, and be the best version of themselves.
Dr Takahiro Ogawa is widely recognized as an expert in designing and creating novel titanium and zirconia surfaces, implant biologic research, and photoenergy-mediated activation of implant materials, known as UV-activation. Dr. Ogawa is a Professor in the Division of Regenerative and Reconstructive Sciences and Weintraub Center for Reconstructive Biotechnology at UCLA School of Dentistry and a leader of Team Surface. He has published 200+ papers in peer-reviewed scientific journals with a total impact factor of 1,000+, total citations of 10,000+, and h-index 60. He is ranked world top 0.57% scientist across the fields in the most recent Stanford World Scientist Ranking. He spoke over 150 times in the invited lectures and symposia worldwide. Dr Ogawa and his team received over 40 scientific awards from the national and international meetings and societies. Dr Ogawa is a recipient of IADR/AADR William J. Gies Award, American College of Prosthodontists (ACP) Clinician/Researcher Award, International Congress of Oral Implantologists (ICOI) Ralph V. McKinney, Jr Award, and Academy of Osseointegration (AO) William R. Laney Award, and IADR Distinguished Scientist Award. He is a former president of IADR Prosthodontic Group.
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